Reading 3

Sapp, W. (2009). Universal Design: Online Educational Media for Students with Disabilities. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 103(8), 495-500. Retrieved from

Sapp discusses the implementation of universal design learning using Universal eLearning, which is an under development project of integrated online learning module which are compiling accessible technology, universal design for learning principles, and the best practice of online learning.

The author also elucidates about Universal eLearner system that has incorporated four new features, namely two-tiered video captioning for students with hearing impairment, two-tiered audio description for students with visual impairment, end-of-chapter summary information for supporting the comprehension of students with range of learning and sensory disabilities, and description-embedded language for increasing understandability of the content. Those new features can be set on or off by either students or teachers for making sure students not only can access the online course, but also can understand the contents. Thus the learning goals can be achieved by individuals with range disabilities.

Even though the article just discusses several new features in a universal-designed online learning, but it is very valuable knowledge about how to increase access and understanding of students with disabilities in the notion of flexible online learning.