Reading 4

Eberle, J. H., & Childress, M. D. (2007). Universal Design for Culturally-Diverse Online Learning. In A. Edmundson (Ed.), Globalizing E-Learning Cultural Challenges (pp. 239-254). Retrieved from
In this book chapter, Eberle and Childress use the principle of universal design for learning (UDL) to point out the framework for online learning design in the culturally-diverse population and global learning. The authors suggest that for designing UDL-based instruction which accommodate various type of learning in a flexible and systematic way, the principles of universal design can be implemented learning to the six steps of dynamic instructional design (DID).

The authors also point out the characteristics and factors of learner that should be considered for online learning environment that accommodate various differences based on “clientele identification, abilities/disabilities, language, culture, gender, time barriers, and technology” (p.246).

This reading is a good source for implementing universal design for learning in the instructional design that sensitive to culturally diverse in the global context so that online learning environment will become more globally inclusive for heterogenic populations, regardless of language, culture, abilities, and gender, time barriers, and technology.